
Winter-proof Skincare

Jan 01, 2023
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Winter-proof Skincare

The change of season is exciting but your skin usually begs to differ. Extreme cold and low humidity take moisture out of the skin. In New York, most old buildings use the steam heating system which can further bring dryness. Adding the extreme drop in temperature outside to the indoor heat and you get a perfect storm of dry, patchy, and irritated skin. Flare-ups may also be more frequent for those with eczema and psoriasis. However, it does not end there. This setup can also dry your mucosal lining, which strips off the natural protection and makes you prone to respiratory infections. Are you looking for ways to prevent those from happening? NYC Acupuncture + Wellness promotes a holistic and natural approach to making you winter-proof.

  1. A great investment that you might want to consider is purchasing a good quality humidifier. The humidifier releases water molecules into the air to increase moisture, which benefits both your skin and mucosal lining. Having a humidifier decreases the chances of bacteria and viruses invading your respiratory system.
  2. The kinds of food and drinks can also affect our skin's condition. Drink plenty of water and avoid dehydrating drinks like caffeine and alcoholic beverages. Green leafy vegetables and tofu are great for maintaining the fluids in the body. Seafood specifically fish, have vitamins and fats that are also good for skin health.
  3. You may feel discouraged from taking frequent baths because of the cold, but not doing so can increase sebum build-up and can cause pimples. Hot bath may sound soothing but eventually, very hot baths can also cause dryness. Take warm baths instead. Do not forget to moisturize right after to lock in the moisture in your skin. Chinese medicine has proven itself over time to be effective in treating different kinds of skin conditions. Salves and ointments made from natural ingredients like ginseng and goji berries can help your skin survive this winter. For a more individualized TCM prescription for your skin, book an appointment with Dr. Ting Wu of NYC Acupuncture + Wellness.
  4. Quality sleep is a must if you want to be generally healthy. Did you know that sleep is also necessary to have healthy skin? During sleep, the cells in your body can focus more on restoration. The collagen in your skin improves as it undergoes regeneration during your slumber. Keep in mind that you also need to sleep to keep your immune system strong. So skip your social media scroll and late-night Netflix binge to have a long and peaceful rest.
  5. Mei rong is the TCM approach to medical cosmetology. Acupuncturists have been using the tool called 7-star tool to treat chronic pain, promote hair growth, and for beauty. Now modernized to microneedling. Microneedling follows the same concept that a 7-star tool does by promoting natural collagen production and shed dead skin cells in order to create healthier and stronger skin. We incorporate all natural, vegan, and cruelty free serums that formulated for your skins needs. If you're suffering from dryness, thinning skin due to age, acne, and/or neck lines and wrinkles. These sessions for the winter can help your skin become glowing and healthy by promoting cell rejuvenation. If you want to take your skin regimen a notch higher for winter, NYC Acupuncture + Wellness offers all natural no-tox aesthetic services. Book an appointment to know more!