
Spring Allergy Survival Guide

Mar 25, 2024
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Spring Allergy Survival Guide

The sky is becoming brighter and more blue, the air is getting warmer, and the flowers are starting to bloom again. As beautiful as it may sound, it might not be favorable for some because pollen is about to fill the air, triggering allergies in susceptible individuals. 

Tree pollen is the most common allergen in Spring. Due to their elevated positions and lightweight nature, tree pollen grains can easily be carried by the wind. Examples of top pollen-producing trees in New York are Oak, Hickory, and Ash.

Alongside pollen, mold spores thrive in the warm, humid conditions of spring, exacerbating allergy symptoms, especially in damp areas like basements and bathrooms.

The exact cause of allergies is still unknown in modern science. Allergies happen when the immune system creates antibodies when exposed to substances like pollen and mistakes them for threats to health. The body produces histamine that can cause an allergic reaction, which are the symptoms you might be experiencing.

Most common symptoms of spring allergy:

  • Sinus Congestion
  • Sneezing
  • Runny Nose
  • Post-Nasal Drip
  • Itchy or Watery Eyes
  • Coughing

Start preparing for the incoming wave of spring allergens while your sinuses are clear and your breathing is still good.

1) Start spring cleaning early

Dust everything from top to bottom then sweep and mop your floors. Wash your curtains, rugs, pillowcases, and bedsheets. Do not forget to wear a mask to limit inhalation of dust particles which can also trigger your allergy.

2) Track pollen levels

Monitor pollen forecasts so you can plan accordingly. Peak pollen hours are during midmorning and early evening.

3) Keep your windows closed

Opening the windows and door can let the fresh cool air in... together with pollen. For extra precaution, use air purifiers with HEPA filters to trap pollen and other allergens that may be in your home. 

4) Temporary at-home relief

If you're already getting the sniffles, make some warm lemon and ginger tea with honey to drink. For additional relief, press on your Bi Tong point located on both sides of your nose right under the nasal bones using your forefingers for a minute. This acupressure point will open up your sinuses.

5) Get your dose of acupuncture treatments

Including acupuncture treatments in your spring allergy preparedness routine. Acupuncture can help regulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, and provide relief in your well-being. Specific acupuncture points related to mitigating nasal congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes are included in the treatment plan.

As you gear up for the arrival of spring and the accompanying allergy season, consider incorporating acupuncture into your wellness routine. With its effective and gentle approach, acupuncture can be a great tool in keeping you free from spring allergies. Book your appointment this coming spring.